My Zestro Systems

We load a system by clicking "Scroll systems", swiping up and down, up-arrowing and down-arrowing until the desired system is in the tan band in the upper, big, purple box. Then we click the "Load selected system" button in the other, middle, purple box. Clicking "Load selected system" populates the rightmost teal box, and the big lower left box. You may advance the green band numeral in the big green box and at the top of the teal box by tapping the spacebar or swiping right. This advances the count of the loaded system. You may easily edit the system's properties using F8, F9, and F4 keystrokes, or copy the javascript and add it to the source code. A feature, on by default, stabilizes the scrolling numbers controlled by the spacebar. Tap F11 to disable the feature and read content off screen below.

Copyright 2020 Jamie Delton. All rights reserved
Not supported Not supported
The Zestro edict excludes use of:
Negative number system including the 0 before 1.
Point fractions, including 0 with various ambiguous meanings within a point fraction.
Navigate via key presses:
F10 Advanced Count Mode(Default)
F2 Manual Count
F1 Config Mode
F8 Edit Base
F9 Edit Initiating Digit
F4 Edit Map
Operating instructions.
    In F10 Advanced Count mode (default), F1 Config mode, and F2 Manual Count mode, press or tap the spacebar to display single-step scroll. In Manual and Advanced Count modes you have only single-step mode.
    In F1 Config mode, press the Escape key to exit single-step scrolling mode.
    Press F2 key to go into Manual Count mode.
    In Manual Count mode, control which leftward digit columns appear by pressing the character key (a-z) of the desired column.
    In Manual Count mode, advance digit columns by pressing the Shift key, pressing a character key a-z, and tapping the Up or Down arrows.
Operating instructions (continued)
    In F1 Config mode, press F key to cycle through the available number formats.
    In F8 Edit Base mode, press one character or digit in the map (1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) desired as a base.
    In F9 Edit Initiating Digit mode, press one character or digit in the map (1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) desired as an Initiating Digit or ID.
    In F8 Edit Base or F9 Edit Initiating Digit mode, press F1 key or the escape key to return to F1 Config mode.